Dear wondrous humans and their pets,
It's time for an update.
November, the autumn in the UK is in full swing and my mind is lucky enough to move onto new challenges.
After a year at the hub of all things VW, it was time to say goodbye to VW Heritage and their crew. I was instrumental in the growth of their Returns and refunds department and met many, many good people along the way! The suppliers were wicked, and I was thoroughly impressed by the manner in which EMPI, a parts powerhouse in the USA, wished me farewell.
For the challenge, it's working in a construction company. Now this does seem like a huge step from VW's and my knowledge is thin, but I have been privileged enough to gain a role their doing what I love.
I never thought that would even happen in my wildest dreams, but I am glad to see it truthfully happen, so I am really pleased in this respect.
As for everything else, the VW's have been going strong, the Bus has been wicked and I am due to send it bed at some juncture. The Golf needs a good clean and eventually that will happen.
The blog needs a bloody clean too, a jump to Tumblr/Wordpress is in the works, whilst using this as a channel too to you all!
Thanks, and see you soon for more information on my favourite boys right now, Ultra VW Magazine.
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