Poor Parker jumped onto the scene in December 2013 and is the first project for this year. After a heavy life near Brighton for several years, Parker has been inducted into the family rehabilitation unit to restore him back to his glory days of the 1970's and 1980's. Born in 1975, Parker has been nothing short of a wild animal living through the 1980's, the high amount of abuse has more than taken his toll on him, leading to his engine to blow up which was arguably Parker's rock bottom moment before his induction to rehab.
Parker is currently inducted into the 12-step programme and we will be documenting his progress next month. Parker luckily won't have to be talking about his troubles in schools as we had already done that as part of a college presentation which you can view here.
Also, Parker is a car and can't speak English (sorry kids). At the moment, Parker has since been given a brand new 1200cc engine which Parker originally had when he left the showroom in 1975. The 1200 model is the most basic of the Beetle range, with the 1500/1600 models completing the top end of the market. The rehabilitation programme has been more extensive than we had hoped, but all in all, Parker has taken to the 12-steps better than we expected with the aforementioned new engine, treating and filling in the rust holes with filler and also new metal which has been welded in by our team and also a fantastic respray, bringing the aesthetics back to life for Parker.
Next time, I will introduce you to our final team member, who is still lacking a name but is dubbed currently as 'The Silver Hornet'. This one, is less ravaged and is something more of a hidden gem with a fantastic history who will be travelling up to Stanford Hall this year for one of the biggest classic Volkswagen shows in the UK, along with McCartney or Doris. That battle however, has yet to be decided.