I sit here. I sit... A sense of tranquility is certainly in the air and for the first time in a long time, a great weight has lifted off of my shoulders and I feel incredibly calm about the future proceedings, despite a peculiar situation that's unfolding in front of me.
I sit here. I sit... Not wanting to move away from this feeling that's overcome me, sprinkled with a sense of enormous well-being, forcing me to smile upon retrospect of the moment's I witnessed over the last few days and also the feeling of now, where I feel relaxed, content, confident in myself, making me smile yet again.
I sit here. I sit... enjoying every moment as I'm happy to foreclose a chapter of my life where the wrong people dominated each and every second, leaving you with nowhere to turn, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide but merely inside your lonely self. Yet, right this very second, that's okay with me because it's gone, done and dusted, finito. I smile once again.
I sit here. I sit... wondering where the catalyst lies inside all of these magical feelings that I'm feeling right now. Was it a few weeks back where I finally realised that my unfortunate job position wasn't that much of an issue, or was it that I met a girl who in the last week has showed me indirectly how to be free, calm, and collected. Was it the chance to work for VW Vibe and Rothfink and within that, allowed me to recognise my achievements and improvements made as a fledgling writer. Or was it the power of the little green thing last night, giving me a new sense of belief to feel like I can sing in front of my friends at the top of my voice, when midway through your moment to shine, the senses change and the adrenaline rushes through you as you shake all over, eradicating your woes and worries away in a mere flick of a switch.
I sit here. I sit... believing that every single factor mentioned has allowed me to simply not care about the confidence barriers we all have because people will always love you, whether that is your family, your best mate, a girlfriend or your pet, that inside we shouldn't worry because deep down we're all awesome.
I sit here. I sit... knowing that everything will be okay.
I sit here. I sit... Smiling. I'm happy in myself again.
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