I'm back after a short hiatus after going on holiday and having a little bit of time to reset my batteries. However, we're back!
It's that time of year! |
Jumping straight into the action without further ado, we pick up from outside a downmarket branch of Tesco. Why? Well, it's show season of course and everyone should know that these cars love going to shows and seeing their friends whilst displaying there new kit. Well. Not McCartney. He'd much prefer to breakdown outside a Tesco supermarket. We achieved roughly 4 miles into our journey to the business no other than show-business, much to my anger and near tears of pure, unadulterated RAGE. We had planned to take both McCartney and Doris but the team + entourage in the form of my girlfriend bundled in Doris on a very, very hot day.
#Vintage #Tumblr #Hipster - This was done through a sunglass lense... |
Blazing hot weather and blazing hot legs from the car's heater, 2 hours after we had planned to arrive, but who cares we were at the show! Now, the VolksWorld show is the flagship show for the classic VW scene which now world renowned! VolksWorld is the leading UK magazine following the scene and has been going strong for about 25 years now.
How times have changed for the magazine... 1988-2014 |
The show itself was fantastic, ranging from those loved and cared for, towed on a trailer throughout the length and breadth of the country, engine probably doesn't work but looks nice, not jealous whatsoever, show cars to an autojumble (a cramped car boot sale for VW parts, fat men usually participate in this) to various different show stalls with companies involved in the scene such as alternative nutters Rothfink and like the proverbial 'cucumber', CoolFlo Vintage (who actually specialise in air-conditioning) as well as various enthusiasts and fans from around the world! CoolFlo Clothing even had BMX legend Bob Haro at the show displaying some retro race ready BMX's from the 1980's (which cost at least £1000!). We also met the people from our local shop VWHeritage who have spotted the blog recently which was a surreal experience!
I was also part of a failed record attempt! 67 of us had managed to get inside and on a VW Beetle which was an admirable effort nonetheless and even included the hero of the day, a man that had took off his prosthetic leg for extra space! Sadly, no Guinness World Record for me, but I can safely say we had a good go!
67 people were on this! 67! The magic number was 81 but we were close. |
Also, whoever dropped an arse-biscuit in the car should be ashamed because that was a smelly one. But credit to you because you couldn't have timed that better!
It was a great day out and I fully recommend giving it a go and just seeing what all the fuss is about! Doris was a testament to how a 44 year old car can still make it on a long journey! To add, this was the first time Doris has actually been driven in anger!
The next show we are currently planning isn't until May but watch this space for stories about the World Record Attempt and a new arrival...
Not me, but this guy was definitely looking for love at the show. Bless. |
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